Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Michelle How To Get Michelle Obama To Speak At An Event?

How to get Michelle Obama to speak at an event? - my michelle

Hello, I'm planning an event of great prestige and inspiration of my university. I am the process of finding speakers for the event.

How could I go to see if Michelle Obama would be able to speak at this event? Is there a protocol that I consider? Any tips?

Thank you!


ellie said...

You can make a request to the White House sets at the following address:


I'm sure you can reach Mrs. Obama from this office. Otherwise, try the link on the website of Obama:

http://my.barackobama.com/page/content/c ...

Probably a team of people to organize their schedules and commitments, has

pixidoas... said...

offer a lot of money, or black, a large donation to a charity, or forget it, I do not believe that your ceremony will be televised nationally on television, and if you do not have enough capital to their interests, then shes not come .

sorta, these people are paid to appear or to hold positive

better to find someone interesting or intelligent, it is neither

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