Sunday, January 10, 2010

Create Database Software I Want To Create A Database Of About 150 Clients; Which Software Is Best?

I want to create a database of about 150 clients; which software is best? - create database software

I work for a small company that will be addressed in writing. I want a database with about 150 clients, to me, the monthly fee and then the address labels printed Customers who bought something, you can create for the month. It is like it is now just a mailing list is created that shows all the tags when the customer bought something or not. I would like to keep things simple. What software will be better?


Doogie said...

lighter and less expensive solution is the Microsoft Access

The Dude said...

Look, you keep it simple. To purchase access to the 150 at the end only cost of more than 150 customers good customers will spend and what to do with the programming hours, he will. Trust me, I've been there and done it, went so far into a program on very well. Outlook will do the bulk of the MCA for you to learn just a few hours, contacts, journal, tasks and calendar use. You can even documents that rely on the cards from your customers in touch and even a timer to the demands of the time start when you load or for those who want to control their length. For further details about their relationship and their customers better harvest, you can download a free way MindGenius then enter a different world of CRM.

aciapiac... said...

Microsoft Access

Arnon J said...

Microsoft Access May for this purpose adequately, but if not, then perhaps you need a different interface with "user" who needs coding, Visual Basic, the easiest instrument to create the interface "user"

sickpupp... said...

managed in Excel.
If you never use that access very large.
MS Works is also an option, but you can not go wrong with offuce

sickpupp... said...

managed in Excel.
If you never use that access very large.
MS Works is also an option, but you can not go wrong with offuce

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