Sunday, January 24, 2010

Lupron Side Effects In Women Lupron Shots For A Year?? Need Advice!?

Lupron shots for a year?? Need advice!? - lupron side effects in women

I have this question, but I did not have many answers, so I ask again. Unfortunately, this is so long ... I am 23 and have always had heavy bleeding and severe pelvic pain for the past fifteen years. My doctor had a laparoscopy and said he only found adhesions that has been removed, but no endometriosis or something else. He suggested me to try Lupron, as I have tried 5 different types of contraceptives did not work. He finally agreed to try Lupron. I was on Lupron for approximately 3 months. I had some side effects that I want, but not as bad as I thought it would. My doctor told me he wants me on Lupron for 1 years stay without interruption and without addition. I have done much research on Lupron and everything I read said that only one person should be on Lupron for 6 months at a time. Why does my doctor can put me there one years, when he said he would be there for 6 months? Is it dangerous to be there a year instead of 6 months at a time? I'm afraid INot so long ago, after reading horror stories of women who had shot the only one. I'm afraid if I get myself into it as long as I have a lot of side effects long term. I really do not want to be on Lupron first, but my doc gave me the feeling that he had no other choice, and I was desperate for a solution to my pain and bleeding. Sorry for the long question, but I really appreciate all the opinions and personal experiences with Lupron. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

Getting a second opinion. I worked in an office gynecology x 10 years. The recommended dose is only 6 times in your life! That is all they left me, because understanding of endometriosis. Lupron really hurt my gums and the upper teeth. The second day of Lupron shot after my gums swell and bleed. This is my dentist would get a special mouthwash that should call in a week. I really, really, I think we should get A good opintion seconds, the fate of another gynecologist.

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