Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Test Procedure Template If Health Care Is Just A Business Would Not Doctors Prefer A More Expensive Test / Procedure?

If health care is just a business would not doctors prefer a more expensive test / procedure? - test procedure template

Cesarean cost 12-15k vs. 4-6k for a normal delivery, the doctors did not stimulate this process in order to make more money?


Canadian Conservative said...

Agreement in good health than any other company has the competition, which regulates the free market. However, people do not shop for medical services.

Johnny Sokko said...

They grow to this procedure because of medical malpractice lawyers.
Think about how many ads you've heard of a "problem with your baby" was to be solved by a Caesarean section.

Obama has not a word about the hunters waiting ambulance to a doctor for the slightest mistake, then they can platform their pockets with unnecessary, although the majority of doctors believe that specifying additional tests to avoid prosecution.
Not so much the fact that despite the problems, U.S. health care system is the largest on Earth. Work Mainly due to the health care workers in the United States very hard for patients to make the highest priority. Normally, in the long hours and low pay.

Johnny Sokko said...

They grow to this procedure because of medical malpractice lawyers.
Think about how many ads you've heard of a "problem with your baby" was to be solved by a Caesarean section.

Obama has not a word about the hunters waiting ambulance to a doctor for the slightest mistake, then they can platform their pockets with unnecessary, although the majority of doctors believe that specifying additional tests to avoid prosecution.
Not so much the fact that despite the problems, U.S. health care system is the largest on Earth. Work Mainly due to the health care workers in the United States very hard for patients to make the highest priority. Normally, in the long hours and low pay.

vbaggs said...

With physicians Healthcare socialist government in other countries, where they make more money. The government says the Old Testament is a regular preventing certain amount will be paid to the physician.

What happens if the patient is doing a great job for 3 days such payment, the government was still the same or more since he left the hospital 4-5 times during 3 days of paid work.

Most doctors do not do what you describe, and who has been through a lot to go where they should have the degree and most are there because they really want to help people.

Jacob W said...

The premise is wrong. Take a look at each company and find ways to make money is to keep costs down so that it more competitive. Look I do not have to reinvent the wheel. Health care was treated as a commodity and the system worked very well until the end of 1980, when the Democrats made their reforms, "first" have. At that time, invented the HMO and evil and how the United States, laid the groundwork for an increase in costs.

When you return to the old system of paying out of pocket for their medical care and hospitalization and catastrophic coverage for emergency care and instead of reforming health care, reform the medical liability provisions were very favorable.


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