Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Cb Channels Are Used In Ca How To Use My CB Radio With USB And LSB Channels? ?

How to use my CB radio with USB and LSB Channels? ? - what cb channels are used in ca

My channel CB radio has USB and LSB. When I'm using the USB my friend not be in the same channel or LSB?


Roosterk... said...

Your friend must on the same channel. If you use USB or LSB, which means you do not use the main carrier, but the "holding area". The only ones who can be heard clearly on the same frequency, but in the configuration of USB or LSB. You also need to adjust up or down with fine tuning control for the other party for clear sound. You should do the same.

RyuSaiKa... said...

USB and LSB sidebands top and bottom. You need to be on the same channel and the group to be easily understood.

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